Worth the Wait Co-founders, Megan and Mike Scherer, just returned from the 2024 Oncofertility Consortium Conference in Detroit, Michigan. Megan and Dr. Lesley Northrop had a scientific poster about the diversity and inclusion of Worth the Wait grant recipients and Worth the Wait participated in the nonprofit partners reception.
Here are the key takeaways.
- The legislative session uncovered that there may be unintended consequences for cancer patients preserving fertility and building families due to state abortion bans and embryo personhood law (i.e., Alabama). PGT testing may also become at risk.
- Due to state legislation, experts are recommending that cancer patients should consider consider freezing *sperm only* or *eggs only* and because embryo disposal may become more difficult.
- AI has the ability to revolutionize IVF by helping embryologists to predict the best quality eggs to fertilize and select the embryos that are most likely to result in a live birth. This is critical for cancer patients who want to know their supply and quality frozen gametes is sufficient before starting cancer treatment.
- The cost of fertility preservation, lack of insurance for fertility services and lack of psychosocial support service continue to be burdens for young adult oncofertility patients.
- Groundbreaking work in testicular tissue cryopreservation continues to give young male cancer patients an option for fertility preservation.